Case study – Seeking a specific finance facility…

Fast growing Manchester based recruitment business, Loft Talent Acquisition, had been seeking additional support to help finance and support their next phase of growth. Established in 2013 by Managing Director Leila McKenzie, Loft’s growth came from detailed knowledge of the commercial and technical food science, food manufacturing, nutrition, and grocery retail sectors, using their dedicated elite recruitment solutions.

Sandun Dambawinna joined the team in 2016, and has been instrumental in helping Leila grow the business and expand into new sectors. To support this growth, they called on their accountant, Mike Braun of Beans Accounting and Business Support, to work with them. As part of his work, Mike identified that a working capital facility would help their cashflow and underpin current and future growth, and introduced Simon Maddocks from Tatton Commercial Finance.

Mike produced financial forecasts for Leila and Sandun, which we used to support applications for business funding. Initial conversations with a couple of potential lenders did not produce the type of facility that was ideally sought, but a thorough research of the market by Tatton Commercial Finance led to a successful introduction to an alternative finance partner and completion of a facility. 

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After it was identified that a working capital facility would help our cashflow and underpin current and future growth, we were grateful to have been introduced to Simon at Tatton Commercial Finance. We were quite specific in our requirements for finance for our business, and after thorough research and conversations with multiple potential lenders, Simon was instrumental in arranging and concluding the ideal facility for us, which has been essential to our growth.”

– Leila McKenzie, Managing Director, Loft Talent Acquisition


Many thanks to Simon Maddocks for his assistance with ensuring that my business can finally get off the ground. I would recommend your services to anyone. The continued communication ensured that I was kept up to date at all times with the process of preparing my documentation and this has resulted in a successful application to the Government Start-Up Loan service.”

– Kathryn Ӧzmaya, UK Premier Partnership